In front of Amazon FBA

Диверсификация на риска.

What is Amazon FBA

Amazon is the largest online retailer in Europe, and concentrates over 50% of all electronic transactions.
For any merchant, joining the platform can lead to triple-digit revenue growth.

Amazon’s Fulfilment by Amazon, or FBA, program allows merchants to sell on their platform and warehouse their goods in their fulfillment centers, with Amzon fulfilling the fulfillment.

The advantage for the merchants is that by presenting the goods they have no more commitments when receiving an order it is automatically fulfilled.

The downside is that this only covers Amazon and other platforms may not be covered.

Why it is needed before FBA

Sending an item to Amazon FBA comes with a lot of specific requirements that if not met the item won’t be accepted, or will cost you really dear.
In addition, maintaining large Amazon inventories can cost you a lot, and when an account is blocked, it takes months to retrieve the stock.

Pre FBA solutions from Tradefy

Tradefy’s FBA front end allows you to concentrate on sales, leaving the warehousing, processing and logistics organisation to our FBA.
With our scalping services, you’ll reduce your FBA costs while guaranteeing yourself a guaranteed delivery.

How it works

Съхранение в междинен склад

Acceptance of the goods

Send the goods or order them by direct delivery to our fulfilment centre.

We will accept it and preserve it according to your instructions.



According to your instructions, we will inspect the goods in terms of quantity and quality, if in doubt, we will provide you with photos to protect yourself from incorrect suppliers.



Upon your request, we will process your poducts, assemble them, package them and label them according to your instructions.


Promotional materials

If you are planning an advertising campaign, we can add promotional brochures, giveaways, additional products and discount coupons.



We will store your products according to your needs and instructions.
It is generally not a good practice to store the entire quantity on Amazon due to cost or account lockout, so intermediate storage is a good option.

Изпращане към фулфилмънт на Амазон

Send to Amazon Fullfillment

Once you request a shipping window we will ship the item with your chosen courier or one requested by you with the purchase of shipping labels from Amazon.


Reverse address

The return address is key to successful sales, Amazon insist on having an address where they and customers can send back orders, and products, generally they do not wish to engage in such activity.


Fullfillment for other platforms

Amazon is definitely the leading and strongest marketplace, but as the saying goes “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” Amazon often blocks accounts due to different verifications and this can even lead to bankruptcy, so don’t wait for this to happen and diversify with your own store and other platforms.

Contact one of our FullFilm experts

Whether you’re a start-up or an established business, whether you have questions about our fulfillment services or want to get started right away. Send an enquiry and we will get back to you within a few hours.
