
Useful information for online sellers. Don’t miss the opportunity to get up close and personal with innovative, complex and effective ways to sell your products in the countries of Western Europe.

How to sell online

How to sell online in Bulgaria You have an idea or a product and you’ve decided you want to start an online business and this is

Нареждане на пратки

003 – Sending shipping orders

In order for goods to be sent from a warehouse or fulfillment center, he must receive an order. Briefly, the process includes : creation of an

Работа с продуктите

002 – Working with products

In order to be able to sell your items in Tradefy, a few rules must be followed: Each product must have a unique barcode There should

Създаване на но продукт

001 – Creating a new product

Типове продукти в Tradefy. В Tradey продуктите могат да бъдат разделени на базови и дъщерни. Базов продукт е този, зад който стои реален физически артикул. Дъщерен

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